Leondro Pays Ultimate Tribute to His Selfless Mother in “Super Big”
With just over a month left before Mother’s Day, rising Toronto rapper Leondro is setting the bar high with “Super Big,” his touching new ode to his hard-working and self-sacrificing mother. Featuring fellow Canadian rapper Yoko Gold, Super Big” looks back with appreciation and affection on Leondro’s mother’s hardships as “she fought to keep her children’s future bright.”
While “Super Big” details Leondro’s difficulty growing up without a father, its main focus is on his good fortune in having a mother who shouldered the burden. As a single parent, Leondro’s mother fought to keep her children out of trouble while still providing food to eat and a roof over their head. “Super Big” is from the perspective of a man who is only now able to fully understand and appreciate the full scope of his mother’s sacrifices.
Download this song on iTunes, Google Play or stream it on Spotify.
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