Friday Ricky Dred – “After Hours” |Dir: Cazhmere|


Friday Ricky Dred releases his new video “After Hours” directed by Juno Award winning Cazhmere. Friday Ricky Dred describes himself and the song in his own words as

” I am Nocturnal, best played in the late night. Sonically it is made for driving on late night missions. This is a collections of just some of my issues and street perspective. Every song tells a tale of different parts of my nights and my life. I am the 4 am Night Child, the peak time of my inspiration and I’ve lived many nights in the streets or the Afterhour underground clubs until I’ve seen the sun come up. I am the representative of mine and many other’s struggles and change that I’m trying to make. I am the single mother’s only child…I am now the parent. I am the giver of songs of pain, pleasure and profit. Lust, money and greed as well as accomplishments. I am The Sober Emcee, I am 6 years sober. I am the lover…I am the love killer. I am an insomniac with a warm heart but…I am Cold too. My album is an extension of myself and hard work so essentially I am Nocturnal.”

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