Kmpny – “Vixen” [ NEW VIDEO ]

Toronto Duo  “Kmpny”   ( vocalist “Czech Royalty” & Producer ” Justin Alexis” form “Kmpny” Pronounced “Company” ) releases their new video for their record “Vixen” – In this record  Kmpny talks about how in 2014 no one was messing with him and now they’re all on him in the city ( We can confirm ) when we first Czech Kmpny at Queen West, His videos were playing on the TV’s and it was something we’ve never seen before. 
Their progression over time is something we can’t deny.  The record also talks about releasing a mixtape and no one listened. The video gives you a real trippy vibe while Czech get’s a face tattoo and has “Vixens” all around him. 
We are definitely looking forward to what  Kmpny has coming next after releasing a video like this.

The production is something we can’t shine away from as well, The new age sound is what’s going to set these guys apart from everyone else in the city & industry-wide.

Check out the video below and let us know what you think.

 Follow Kmpny on social media as well

About The Author

BrownGuy is a Toronto videographer and radio host on ..